I need to change my life completely.


I have been seeing my counselor since November and she said not once have I said anything about being happy at all and shes right. I hate my looks. I hate my weight. I hate letting my ex take advantage of me putting me in a huge amount of debt. I hate that I let him cheat, because I didnt want to lose him. (Not physically cheat, but he constantly text other girls) I hate that I have to pay back all of this debt when I could have had something really nice with all the money I have to spend on paying back what he did in my name. I hate that I have a hard time believing anyone especially him telling me he wants to pay me back. (I have seen $100 out of $8000, BUT he recently bought a $1600 phone and a $300 smartwatch.) I have been begging for more hours at work since my hours have been cut and I'm afraid I will lose my benefits. I have been looking for a new job, but I have been at my current job for 19 years and I dont have any other experience. PLEASE give me ANY suggestions to change my life. I know it wont happen overnight, but something needs to change!