How do you prefer to live your life? Why?


So I used to HATE the idea of having children and not having a career. I would say I want to be completely independent and successful in whatever I do. But the last like two years, I've grown to want nothing more than to be a stay at home mom. I really want to stay at home and cook/clean, be there for the kids, bake brownies 🤤 (random I think I'm craving brownies 😂). The whole 9 yards.

I can really see the appeal of both lifestyles now. But girls my age (I'm 20) seem to HATE the idea of living the "traditional" lifestyle like I did. Even the older women who I work with tell me to be independent. I never went to college, am engaged to my boyfriend of 5 years, work full time as a server at a country club, and leave everything to my fiance (finances and such). I prefer this simply because he has more experience with it all, and I love to clean the house a certain way, a thought hubby is better at cooking 😅

So my question is what do y'all think? Of course there isnt a "right" or "wrong", but in 2019 do you think its beneficial for a parent to stay home with the kids? Should it be the mom or dad? Does it matter? Should people even have kids/get married? Is there a "right time" for all that? Does education matter? Etc.

Please no hate! Just would love to hear your experiences and reasonings for what you believe/do. ♡

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