Nerves at 20wks


I am 19.5 and have my anatomy scan next Friday. I am freaking out. I have been having a hard time bonding, and getting excited about this pregnancy after losing my last (mmc) at almost 10wks. Logically I know I am past that point. But I am terrified that everytime I go in for an ultrasound they are going to start the ultrasound and be unable to find a heartbeat again. Especially as I haven't felt the baby move that I know of yet. I haven't really talked to anyone Bout this because again logically I know there is nothing I can do to ensure it goes either way. But I can't shake this feeling. I'm trying so hard to be positive, but besides immediate family and my work I haven't told a soul. I can't even bring myself to start baby shopping, baby shower talk, baby name talk, any of it. I don't know how to get myself out of this funk. Sorry to go on for so long. Just trying to vent and deal. I thought I was ok with everything that happened last time but if I hadn't lost it, my due date would have been in 2 days. Just bringing everything up even more.