CPS question

This girl I know from high school had a daughter about a year ago, she was abused and neglected and taken into state custody. After failing to get anything other than a few hours visitation a month she signed away her parental rights.

She did drugs/drank during that pregnancy and her daughter had birth defects from it.

Now she's pregnant again with a boy and is due any day now. She's now with a different guy and married if that matters. They live with his parents or grandparents I'm not sure which. She's posted her drinking while pregnant because it was her 21st birthday and I called her out on it. The family she lives with smokes in the house and refuses to do it outside. She's also made posts saying she'll beat her son if he acts out at all. (Shared multiple videos of very young kids on fb not listening to their parente -these kids couldn't he more than 3)

Does CPS automatically check her once she has the kid because of her previous child or does a report have to be made?

I'm not surprised at all by her behavior, we had parenting class together in high school and she put the fake baby in the oven because it was crying.

She's in Kansas if the state matters