Miscarriage or is it just my period?


Yes, the title maybe a little confusing but do you know that after you had a miscarriage and when it’s time to get your period again. Your just so worried if it’s another miscarriage or not ? That’s a fear and a problem I’m dealing with . I had a miscarriage 2 years ago twin babies. After a few months went by I had gotten my period but my mind hasn’t been the same since . Everytime I get my period I always fear or think that it’s another miscarriage even tho I’m not currently prego but it’s still deep down inside my mind when I see a blood clot or something I always think about it . It’s a scary thing you have to deal with and I feel like your mind isn’t the same after a miscarriage. What helped y’all to heal from this . Is it normal to feel time to time kicks in your stomach after my miscarriage. I miss my babies so much I wish I can bring them back to this harsh world I just want to protect them.