Needing help 🤦🏻‍♀️


Okay, this is going to sound INCREDIBLY dumb hahah but I’ve never been to the hospital for myself. Like ever. I was even born at home! I’m currently 2 weeks late for my period and I’m getting all negative tests, and I’ve decided to go in and let someone “have a look” at me.... I just don’t know how! I’ve never had the experience of setting up an appointment or watching someone set one up. I don’t even know what kind of doctor I’m supposed to ask for or if I can just go to any hospital or if I have to find someone specific to babies and fertility! What do I do? Call in and tell them I want a blood test? Walk in? What all do I need to bring? How much will it cost? I have no health insurance as of right now and I honestly just need someone to walk me through the whole process because it’s low-key kind of scary for me! I’ve never had a reason to go before. Someone please help lol