Holle or hipp formula users?


Has anyone here used Holle or Hipp formula? My seven month old is new to formula. She has a sensitive tummy (I was on a dairy/lactose free diet while breastfeeding). We switched to Similac sensitive, which seems to be the one she can stomach the most, but I think it may still be giving her gas and tummy problems at night.

I don’t know much about these brands except they are European so they are more regulated than American brands. I like that they don’t have corn syrup and are non gmo. I also didn’t realize DHA can cause fussiness/gas as well and that’s in Similac. On top of that, she did terrible on soy and I just realized tonight that Similac sensitive also uses a blend with soy.

So now I’m just looking at other alternatives we haven’t tried yet. Which would be European brands.

If anyone has any experience with these brands I’d love to hear more. Thanks!