Men are so hard to read!

My younger brother lives with us—he has for years..he doesn’t work so he’s around the time. My husband is always frustrated by him, and it’s put a strain on our marriage. Because my brother lives with us for free, he will sometimes watch the kids for us while we have a date night. I always repay him by bringing him home a good dinner and a coffee.

Anyway, we weren’t planning on going out this weekend at all. However, the kids were ready for bed and my brother insisted that we go out and get some dinner. We were hungry and it had been a busy day. I refused, but he insisted again. He told us he wanted to stay up with our oldest and chill with a movie. 🤷‍♀️ So we finally left. We decided to go to one of my favorite restaurants because they feed you well, I was starving, and it was closest to us. We get back home and he asked where we went and when I told him, he was pissed. Like full blown angry...told me I was a b**** in a sarcastic tone (which for him means he is serious). He’s been wanting to go there too, so I feel bad. But he insisted we go out, and it’s my favorite restaurant so obviously I’m always down to go again. 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️ I’m stressed and I feel like the dinner was basically pointless. I should have just stayed home.

I should mention, I’m a stay at home mom who also works out of the home and homeschools. Going out to dinner once in a while is my mental break, but when I get home to this it just ruins the whole thing.

So frustrating.