Was it a waste?


3 days into me breaking up with him,

we live together, and he’s already moved on, getting himself going on all the dating sites. What a sick joke. Yesterday he was talking about working it out and now it’s, what sweet words can I use to get into the next ones pants. Fucking disheartening. A whole year of me putting up with everything in the book. I’m mourning terribly, can’t even consider speaking to another dude rn because I still love my ex because he was important and my best friend. It’s like I don’t even exist anymore. I feel so fucking broken. I thought I could deal with this but I’m realizing I meant very little, while he was my world. I feel manipulated and lied to. Idek what to say, I look at him and just want to cry. He was my everything..how did I not see this coming...