I’m a alcoholic

I know this although I don’t admit it. Do I get blacked out drunk no. I don’t drink hard alcohol only beer and wine. I don’t drink during the day I work hard and have a well paying job. I’m not the picture person you would imagine when you hear the word alcoholic. Averagely I drink 4 beers a night and on a bad night 6. I am small 5”4 110 pounds so 6 does get me close to blackout and sometimes trying to clearly remember the night. This might not sound like a alcoholic but I am, I am upset if for some reason I can’t drink that night, not violently but internally I’m a calm person. Why do I drink because I think it makes me feel better but I know it doesn’t it actually makes things worse in the long run. Can I stop? I don’t know but I really want to.