Poop Issues?

This is going to sound weird, but I’ll do my best to explain it. Lately I’ve been having a hard time pooping. It used to be solid, but not it’s a mix. I’m also hardly pooping once a day. Usually right when I wake up. I take magnesium regularly (my mom believes in natural remedies). The weird thing is, recently when I’m about to leave to drive anywhere, I get an anxious feeling and I feel like I have to poop. Although I rarely ever do unless it’s on my way to school in the morning. Even in the evenings when I’m going to my boyfriends or to hang out w a friend it’s like my body gets worked up. Is there any cause or explanation or remedy for this? Does anyone experience the same thing? I’m 18 if the age helps. It started a month or so ago. I’m not super worried, at least I’m pooping, I just don’t know what’s causing it.