Is it normal for your period to all of a sudden change?

So I got my period when I was 11. Around age 13 it became horrible my mom would have to sign me out of school early & I would lay in the clinic the first two days every month. I got diagnosed with dysmenorrhea I had to start tracking my periods & taking medicine the days leading up to it to prevent the cramps from having me doubled over. I am now 22. I had 2 losses last year the last one was in December. I’ve had my period back since January it’s regular cycle length like before but with each cycle now I get cramps only the first day they hurt but they are bearable I only need one 600mg ibuprofen for the whole day. Before I used to have horrible cramps for two days & I needed several ibuprofen throughout the days. My period length & the bleeding have stayed the same still a bit heavy & my period only lasts 4 days still. I’m happy the cramps have eased up but I’m wondering if it’s normal? Anyone else have a sudden change with period?

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