Starting to get emotional...

Brenna • Mommy to Bowen 👣 #2 Due: March 2021

Ive never really been the sensitive type, usually I'm strong headed and hold my tears in but lately it takes the smallest thing to make me cry.

For example my fiance was in a bad mood and we argued about gravy like really gravy! (I bought the wrong kind) usually id just tell him to get over it and brush it off but no I started bawling.. He gave me a hug and apologized.

Second example happened at work. I cut lil kids hair and a family was late to their appointment so i wasn't able to take them, they got maf and yelled at me and again usually I would keep my composure apologize and move on but I could not hold myself back from crying and it wasn't just a few tears crying it was a cant breathe cry 😭

At least I can blame it on the pregnancy hormones 😕

What have you cried about lately?