FINALLY he agreed...


Me and my husband technically have been trying to conceive for 20 months, but my husband didnt want to stress over it and let whatever happen happen, so I just stopped birth control andwe had casual sex as we wanted to, no pressure. He also didnt want to spend money on the ovulation kits or anything else... I honestly think its because he was nervous to really try and wasnt sure if he was ready.

Well finally today he agreed we could start buying ovulation prediction kits, pre seed and prenatal vitamins to really give this thing a go. Im so excited! I have been so bummed out every month I get a negative, as we all are... but I finally feel like I have a better shot now which feels so good. It also feels good that my husband seems like he is truly ready. Makes me so happy ♡

I struggle with cysts, and for about a year had irregular cycles. Recently I went on the pill for 3 months to try and get my period back on track, so far so good! Hopefully that means im ovulating, my biggest fear is that I just dont ovulate... wish us luck!