My fast first time birth story 💕

Monica • Wife 💍 Dog Mommy 🐶 baby girl born March 20th 2019 🖤

Alright I can finally get myself together enough to post this. Man the couple days are so hard, she never sleeps during the night but I have to remind myself I’m a FTM and this will get easier it’s only day 5 😂

I was due 3/25 to have my little bug but through my whole pregnancy they always told me I was measuring more ahead or she was gonna be such a big baby that my doctor convinced me to get induced Friday 3/22! Well I woke up Tuesday 3/19 and I realized I hadn’t felt her move much in about 24 hours the day before was busy that I don’t know if I didn’t feel her and not remember or just didn’t at all so I called my doctor and they said to come in. Well I felt a couple kicks and decided I didn’t wanna get there just to be sent home so I went to sleep. My doctor called me about two hours later and just about told me to get my ass in there before she kicked it lol. Went in and she had a great heart rate but her movements were down a lot so they decided to do an emergency induction. I was already at 2cm. They gave me the choice between doing a dose of the cervix softening meds or going straight to pitocin. I had heard horror store about pitcoin contractions and honestly I was terrified to give birth. I have an extremely low pain tolerance and I was just scared. So I did a dose of the cervix meds hoping they would help ease the transition. I refused the balloon they wanted to insert, I wasn’t gonna feel pressured just because you think it speeds things up. So I did one four hour dose of that starting at 8. It got me to a 3 when I was checked at 12:30. They wanted to start pitocin and when they dip it made my bugs heart rate go crazy so they stopped it. At this point I had felt no pain, no contractions nothing. Most people try to make it as long as they can before getting the epidural but because I was terrified I got mine at 3 cm. And it was the best decision for myself. The only pain I felt was the numbing shot, I didn’t feel the actual epidural and I think I just had an amazing team cause I got an epidural where I could still move my feet and legs but I felt ZERO pain. This was all done around 4 am and the doctor game and broke my water at 5 am. Which is a super weird experience when you don’t feel anything and just hear a giant waterfall come out you 😂 I knew I wanted to take this time to get some sleep. I was told my whole pregnancy labor would be about 24-36 especially if being induced for first time moms and that I would be pushing for about one or two hours. The mom next to me was in the middle of pushing for three hours poor baby. So I went to sleep and my nurse started pitocin again because my contractions had stopped being so close and was heavily monitoring the baby and me. She was amazing! I woke up at 11 and the doctor checked me and I was finally at a 5! I was so excited that I was progressing and didn’t feel any pain, well at about 12 I felt like I had to poop so I called my nurse and asked if I should just poop and let my bowels go in the bed and she would help me change, the doctor happen to come in behind her and was like hold on I’ll check you and see what’s going on and she looks at me and said I was complete. I said what I was just at a 5 an hour ago are you sure?? And the doctor laughed and said that she’s been doing it a lot time and she sees my babies head. Well I started crying not cause pain (I did not feel ANYTHING) but because I was about to bring life into the world. So my nurse said they had to get the room ready and the doctor was gonna go push out on more baby cause I was gonna be pushing for awhile. So we got ready at like 12:45 to do a practice push and the nurse stopped me and had to grab the doctor cause it was time. Only 20 minutes of pushing and at 1:09 pm on March 20th 2019 my little Ariya Calliope was brought into the world after only 8ish hours of active labor. I couldn’t have asked for a better labor. When I tell you guys the only pain I felt was from the numbing shot I didn’t feel a thing. Even in recovery, my first pee didn’t burn my first poop didn’t hurt, I did have a second degree tear but I don’t feel any pain even after being at home for a couple days. To bad I only want one cause I think my body was made to give birth 😂 enjoy these pictures 🥰

This is me during labor at 10 cm just playing around 😂

Also I can’t wait to start losing weight and get cleared to work out again. Big momma was swollen 😂 this left is the day I had her (tuesday) and when I got home (Friday) 🥴