Getting to know your ADHD partner

M • So I’m like dating this dude lol and I love him and he loves me too rofl and it’s just bliss and like he makes me watch star wars, he lied to me that Yoda wasn’t Yoda LMFAO

Some advice to those of us out there who have partners with ADHD, I have come to understand that the best way to deal with your partner is to just tell them what’s on your mind , cuz tbh THEY DONT KNOW and tbh THEY WANNA KNOW.

So I was mad at my boyfriend cuz he ignored me for an hour (he got distracted by video games) and he didn’t realise it, so while he was taking me home he decided he wanted to get ice cream and while we’re in the drive through I kept saying I didn’t want anything and that’s when he realises something was wrong. 2 mins later (we’re still in the drive through) and I start crying and saying why I’m mad, now I’m thinking “this is so embarrassing why am I crying” and I look back and see my boyfriend face in palm and he looks like he’s about to cry and omg I have never felt so sad in my entire life. So I grab him,immediately wipe the tears off my face and tell him it’s ok and I’m not mad anymore and that’s the day I started reading books on ADHD and how to deal with your ADHD partner, he wasn’t trying to be a jerk,he just lost focus and I would never wanna make him feel bad for something that technically wasn’t his fault because I don’t ever want him thinking he’s not good enough, cuz he’s fucking perfect. So yeah ,I hope my story helps someone else.

BONUS: That was our biggest fight and it lasted for 5 mins and it was in the drive through of Andys (an ice cream shop) and since I didn’t order anything I ended eating some of his ice cream (he wasn’t happy to share,but he did anyways lol)

Best ever