What's your worst drinking story????

So i never go out and i did last night. My boyfriend and i usually do things together but he is working and told me i should go out... well i did and drank WAYYYY to much. This gay guy got all crazy and started yelling in my face and wanting to fight and because my judgment was gone i didn't handle the situation great... now i feel dumb because I called my cousin to pick me up to take me back to her house and she picked me up but then started driving past her house and I asked her what she was doing and she said I'm taking you home I said why??can I go to your house she said nobody wants you there you are drinking.. i then after was such a bitch. Now she is mad at me and i just feel horrible. I feel a little betrayed that when I needed her help she pick me up but wouldn't let me just go sleep on her couch.. i feel selfish now that im sober and i just wish last night didn't happen... it doesn't sound very bad but I was very light on the information I don't know how some people type novels but why don't you share some of your stories. I feel so dumb