Shot or Iud?

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

Thinking about a birth control. I'm not ready for another baby but my husband is. Our son is only 8 months old and he was an emergency c-section so my body needs time to properly heal. And my mind needs to heal from his first 4 months of life in the NICU. He doesn't want me on a birth control but isn't gonna fuss if I do because it's my body. He respects that..

Anyway, I dont want the pill because I'm not responsible enough to keep up with taking it daily. I looked into hormonal IUDs and the shots.

I don't want the copper ones because I've had a few family members and friends that they caused major damage in their body. One of them resulted in hysterectomy because it was unremovably grown into the uterus.

Any suggestions and good or bad experiences welcome.