Birth story-epidural


I'm so excited I can finally be one of the women to share their birth story on here. So I had a doctors appointment scheduled on 3/20 and was going to have a cervical sweep. I woke up 3/19 around 8AM with pain in my back and lower abdomen. Now I was told 2 things about labor...1. You'll just know when your in labor....2. It feels like period cramps. Well neither of those things were true in my case. I immediatly started timing the pain cuz I knew I was contracting cuz I could feel my stomach harden. I thought it was prodromal labor. So the contractions were 5 minutes apart and lasting about 30 second and it was relatively managable. Within an hour the contractions were a minute long still 5 min apart they progressed around lunchtime to a minute long and 2-3 minutes apart. I was still getting the house together and had a few errands to run so I figured if I am in labor its early and I can get stuff done. I did a bunch of laundry and went to walmart. The pain was still in my back and in my lower abdomen and the pressure was really intense and it didnt go away no matter what position I got into. By 6ish my husband was home from work and we decided to head to the hospital just to see. We got to the hospital they checked me I was super surprised when they told me I was 5 cm. So they admitted me, I labored in the tub for an hour and passed my plug and was progressed to a 6. I got the epidural and tried to relax. They came and broke my water and we waited. About an hour and a half maybe 2 hours they gave me 1mg of Pitocin because I wasnt progressing. After that I started having back to back contractions. I started pushing around 1AM and she came at 3:44AM on the 20th. I had a first degree tear. I am really happy with my experience I was very nervous and everything went really well. Pics for attention ❤ 19in 5lbs 14oz my little Adalynn Joleen!