Feeling guilty for calling the police?

I am so pissed off right now because my family is angry at me for calling the police. There is a man across the street who left his baby in a stroller outside for ten minutes. He would only come out when she was screaming and crying (making a lot of noise) and then go back inside. She was in the front yard when it’s hot out here in my state by herself with a bunch of cars passing by. This obviously concerned me and I thought of all the things that could happen to this baby while he was inside. Let me say it wasn’t only ten minutes that he was inside. It was several times he came out when she was making a lot of noise just to go back inside and she would start crying again. I called the police because it’s getting a lot hotter now and they just came, he came outside and sat next to her when they pulled up and just left immediately. He then came to our house yelling at my dad (who was outside washing his car) and now my family is pissed off at me because this man swears he was watching his child even though I saw for my own eyes he left her out there altogether for about an hour or longer. I hate that in some cultures we just have to “mind our own business” even if an innocent child’s safety is at risk. Anyways, rant over. What do you guys think?