Ignorance within the House

Mo🤗♏️💞👩🏾‍🎓👩🏾‍⚕️ • Happy to be a Chocolate Slim Goodie

So I jus got settled back home and been trying to do the right thing but I’ve discovered a year ago that I have depression so it’s harder to deal with things that I’ve gotten used to not dealing with. So my step dad plays music and this stupid interview shows it whatever they are very loud in the morning like 6 am on a Bluetooth speaker then also he talks loud as hell like shouting from the top of the stairs and it’s absolute annoying so I spoke to my mom about it and she told him and a message got back to me that it’s his house and he gone do what he want. Now I understand it’s your house but it’s common courtesy to not do those things when others are sleep so he feels that because I had left home for 2 years and came back that he can through that in my face every change he get when there is a disagreement. And he’s made it clear that if he didn’t want me to come back home I wouldn’t be here but what’s the point of letting someone stay with you when u gone jus do ignorant things like that and say whatever u want to them like they don’t have feelings. Like it’s absolutely irritating to me to keep hearing my rules my house that’s all fine and dandy but common damn courtesy doesn’t take rocket science like my thing I’d treat others the way u want to be treated coz I can be jus a petty. But I’m trying to take the high road but it’s annoying asf to constantly have stuff thrown in your face