Accidents happen


First of let me start by saying I’m a country girl from Texas. I’m still kind of a young mom at 20 but let me say I have never been nor will I ever be a perfect parent. My daughter tends to stay inside with me most days ever since we moved to a bigger city. This weekend we went to our home town she had the time of her life she was able to run around my parents farm, she hung out while we went shooting (yes she was away from guns and we were safe), she had bbq both days not a common thing here, she watched my husband, her uncle and my Popo (grandpa) fix my car, she got a poinsettia from her grandpa (my dad) to grow her garden she only has a patio no backyard, she got in her first outdoor accident she fell face first into the concrete busted her lip and got a bloody nose. I’m happy for this, to me this a great memory. She had family time all weekend and wasn’t stuck in doors watching tv playing with toys. She ate some dirt, found a really cool rock, got to see a salamander for the first time. And I’m so happy she got to experience bit of the country life for the weekend. I’m sure the perfect parents will judge because dirt is bad, and rocks are not a toy for kids, and salamanders are dirty. But I love these memories and Today she might not be glad for these memories but one day she will. This won’t be the last accident I’m sure there’s more to come but I promise to pick you up, dust you off, and send you back on your way each time. So to all the other imperfect parents here’s to accidents they build character and make them stronger❤️