
My son who is 2 years old seems to be regressing in some of his behaviors. For the past month he’s been wanting me to hand feed him and he wants to be held ALL the time and he’s been waking up multiple times at night wanting to be rocked to sleep.

I’ve heard that toddlers will regress if there is something new occurring in their life (i.e., a new sibling, transitioning to a toddler bed, potty training, etc.). However, there is nothing new in his life that I could see causing this. Furthermore, this behavior only seems to be geared towards me. He doesn’t want his father to help him with anything nor hold him.

My son does like to do somethings on his own still (i.e., open his Babybell cheese, take his pants and diaper off when using the potty, trying to put his shoes on, etc.).

Has anyone else experienced this with their toddler?