I don't know what to do😕


So here's what happened my boyfriend well ex now, we dated for about a year and a half and I felt something was off when we kissed and he kept saying I love you like crazy like not normal and I asked him what was wrong and if he was okay and if we were okay but he kept avoiding my question and wouldn't answer but after the third time of easing my way into asking him again he just said I think we should break up because I think I fell out of love. Can someone just fall out of love? Or just does he need time to be on his own and focus on himself? Because I'm very understanding and I know he has football and I know he has been stressed about school and having track 6 days a week since this is his first year of trying it out. So I don't know what to do to either just give him space and let him miss me and wait till after track season or to just try being friends with him and play it out until maybe he wants the relationship back? Please help