Medical Bill


So to make a long story short, my pcp sent me to the ER back in December when I was 32 weeks pregnant because I was super sick and he wanted to rule out pneumonia since he couldn’t listen to my lungs because I couldn’t stop coughing. I ended up not having pneumonia or the flu. So come February, a week after I come home from delivering and I get a bill in the mail from the ER stating I owe $743 because my insurance denied responsibility for it. Mind you, I never received a letter from them stating they denied it. I have called them to tell them that I cannot pay the entire amount since I am in maternity leave and have no income and that I also am appealing it with my insurance company. When I have tried to reach them, I’ve gotten the whole ‘we will take your info and call you back due to high call volume’ and they have never returned my call. I now got a second bill stating it’s my final notice and that they will consider turning my account over to collections which will result in negative credit reporting. Are they able to do this while I’m appealing? Also I thought there was some new thing stating that they can’t put medical bills on credit reports anymore? I’m about to call them again, but wanted to hear from ppl who might of had this happen to them before. I’ve never had to deal with this before and am admittedly ignorant to protocols and such.