I want to have the baby NOW!


I know that's probably evil of me but whatever. I'm 34 weeks today. My first son came at 37 weeks. My 2nd came at 38 weeks. I think having 2 early babies really messed up my mentality because I always assume I will not make it to my due date. So I'm telling myself only 3 more weeks left if he comes early like his brother. So 3 to 6 weeks left. If this one randomly goes to 40 weeks I will be shocked and devastated lol. I just want to be done. I want my body back. I want to sleep on my stomach. I want to hold my baby. I want to breastfeed him. I want to start loosing weight. I feel like I've been pregnant for 3 years. I day dream about going into labor. Like I seriously cant wait. I welcome any cramping because I'm like oooo is this it!?!? But of course it's not. And obviously I don't want my son to have health issues and I know its better for him if he stays in there so please keep your judgy comments to yourself.