IM 16 with eating problems

Okay hi so I'm 16 and I'm pretty sure I have a binge eating disorder or I binge eat when I starve or just when i get a taste of chocolate. But I do weightlifting and i'm at a pretty good stage and have been trying really hard to lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time also i eat pretty healthy & most of the time make my own food with macros ik. I'm trying to be strict & discipline because I just reallt want to get to my goal and to feel good. Anyways its kinda hard because I have to eat dinner with my parents and my moms bf wants me to eat perogies like i dont want perogies i want to make my own healthy food. Perogies arent that bad but the calories are high and do i reallt have to eat what they serve on the table? & they eat so early and i try to eat around 7 cause I stay up late and get hungry and once i get a taste of chips or soemthing that is junk food I literally always like finish the bag or just always want more & eat more. Even last night i wanted a wrap but my parents got pizza and they were like come on just atleast one pizza. So j decided to have one and said that only one but because of my eating problem i had 3 and its just been horrible. Anyways i just want to refuse and can i do that? this sounds kinda dumb i have strict parents so ya and i really dont want perogies i want a wrap with veggies! lol