Any thought? Suggestions? Tips? Anything?


I was on birth control from the time i was 15 until Aug 2018. (I'm 25) my cycles were pretty regular when i stopped taking the pill ranging from 33-35 days. Then it got to be 35-37 days. Last cycle it was 42 days. Now I'm on cycle day 46. I was just starting to feel really positive about ttc and it will happen just gotta keep trying, but now its getting to me. Not even just because I'm not getting pregnant, but because i can't even try again. I get so excited when I'm expecting my period and it doesn't come but then i get negative after negative and still no period. I've given up testing daily at this point. Its just so disappointing. Any tips? Any suggestions? Anything? I know many others have tried for longer than i have in the TTC world it seems that 7 months doesn't seem like a long time, but today is one of those days where I'm just real sad about it.