ladies i need HELP!

okay so ive posted many times about this cyst on my ovary. i am beyond frustrated because ive been to my gyno office 4 times and the ER twice two different hospitals about the same issue. I keep getting the same response that it's no big deal and it will go away on its own. its been almost 5 months of this unnessasary dull burning pain. ive had transvaginal ultrasound that came up nothing. then a CT scan that showed a cyst that was 5x6 by 3x4 in size...ummmm so the ER dr told me he had no clue why i was in pain and to go home and take tylenol...ok first he never told me he found a cyst even though he felt it initially which is why i had a CT scan done. i read that he found it on my right side (no shit) and the size from my health summary report. Went back to gyno only to be told its no big forward to yesterday.... well back to ER only to be told it grew and too go to my DR. i feel like eveyone is dodging me or treating me like im insane and i'm drug seeking which i am not. why can no one understand that im in pain? i want to freak out/cry. im miserable. i can't move i can't sit i can't be a mom. im just miserable. i go to my dr office tomorrow to see a dr that isnt mine....HOW DO I GET SOMEONE TO HEAR ME