My fiance is a drug addict..

But I refuse to give up on him..... we've been together 3 years and I've seen major improvements over the last couple years.. I'm proud of him and I will not give up on my family just because everybody thinks I shouldn't involve myself with an addict. They need love and support just like everyone else....

I will ignore negative comments. :)

Update: Just to clarify, he is not strung out anymore. But he is still struggling. He's paying bills on time, making sure myself, our son, and our dog are taken care of. He is a different person than he was 3 years ago. When I met him, he weighed 160lbs and was ghost white. I didnt know anything about drugs at all. But he told me before he asked me to be his girlfriend that he had a problem and needed support through getting clean. He's now 28 and had a problem since he was 12 years old. He went from needing 4 pills a day to 'function', to maybe getting one twice a month.. so yeah, he's made MAJOR improvement.

Now he's 210lbs and looks so healthy. He has a personality beyond the high. He has a steady job. He still relapses but not anything that would cost us our home or family. There are addicts that want to change. Even if it caused a fight, and he knew it would, he still would never lie to me about the drugs he got and what money he had. Not every addict is hopeless..