Hurry Up and Wait...

My fiance and I have been TTC for over a year now. Before, I primarily tracked using cycle length, cervical fluid, and just plain old "I am a raging horny mess."

Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed.

And this last month was probably the most heartbreaking, where I kind of just shut myself off, shut myself down, and cried myself to sleep. (He was a wreck too, but tried his best to stay strong.)

He went out and bought me an OPK. "Maybe the tracking is off... It happens, right? Not everything is 110% clockwork? Maybe we're just timing it wrong..."

Turns out... My tracking was accurate as to the start date of my fertile window, but my peak and ovulation was occurring during the "build up" days that my OB/GYN recommended, so we weren't baby dancing until after it was too late. (I ugly stress laugh-cried when I realized what happened.)

So, anyway. Now I'm playing the "Hurry Up and Wait Game."

I'm asking for all the thoughts, prayers, good vibes, baby dust, whatever positive energy you can send this way.

Wish us luck!