UPDATE** Negative beta** First round of IUI and cd 1!


Wish me luck! I’ve already successfully had one baby using

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

, we are trying for the next and I started my cycle today.

Going to do 5mg femara cd 5-9, monitor with ultrasounds, use novidrel trigger,

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

36 hours after that, progesterone for 14 days after trigger.

I’m going to use this post as a live diary and check in on it every day if anyone wants to follow along or is on the same cycle! I’ve done this once (successfully, and hopefully again!!) before, feel free to pm me or ask me anything ☺️

CD1 (Tuesday, March 26, 2019): Period starts, light flow, cramping and bloating

CD2 (3/27) period day, heavy flow, cramping bloating

CD3 (3/28) period day, light flow

CD4 (3/29) spotting

CD5 (3/30) letrozole 5mg ❤️

CD6 (3/31) letrozole 5mg, terrible headache

CD7 (4/1) letrozole 5mg

CD8 (4/2) letrozole 5mg, cramping

CD9 (4/3) last day of letrozole 5mg! Heavy cramping

CD10 (4/4) headache ❤️

CD11 (4/5) feeling pretty good! Minor cramping ❤️

CD12 (4/6) feeling good, super nervous for cd14 sonogram!

CD13 (4/7) crampy and bloated

CD14 (4/8) had ultrasound done for follicle check. There were two on my left between 6-9mm and 9 on my right between 5-9mm 😩 I’m going back in 3 days to see if there is growth. I will either trigger if they magically mature, take more meds if there is growth, or cancel the cycle if there is no growth.

CD15 (4/9) crampy and bloated

CD16 (4/10) massive headache today ❤️

CD17 (4/11) had my second sonogram today and it was a tough one. They could not get a visual on my right ovary, but my left had an 18mm follicle! Huge growth from three days ago. Bloods came back with LH and estrogen rising (estrogen was still on the low side for what the doctor wanted, but he said he still felt good about it) and my lining looks great. Trigger at 6pm tonight!

CD18 (4/12)

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

day! Husbands count was good, fingers crossed for a positive test in 14 days!

CD19 (4/13) 1dpiui, ❤️ bloating and cramping

CD20 (4/14) 2dpiui, began 200mg progesterone 2x a day

CD21 (4/15) 3dpiui, bloated

CD22 (4/16) 4dpiui

CD23 (4/17) 5dpiui

CD24 (4/18) 6dpiui

CD25 (4/19) 7dpiui, moody, hot flashes

CD26 (4/20) 8dpiui, still moody 😂

CD27 (4/21) 9dpiui, I’ve been testing out my trigger and there is still the faintest of lines

CD28(4/22) 10dpiui still a faint trigger line

CD29 (4/23) 11dpiui negative frer

CD30 (4/24) 12dpiui negative frer and right side cramping 😩 feeling out this month.

CD31 (4/25) 13dpiui, negative frer. Beta tomorrow 😩😩😩

CD32 (4/26) 14dpiui and negative beta! Here’s going into <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> number 2!!