Well, here we go again

Erin • Mama to a little dude, BF for 15 months, TTC #2

It took 2 years TTC and 2 rounds of Clomid to conceive my son. We’ve been TTC #2 for a year now, and I’m on Clomid again.

I have 2 close mom friends. One is 30 weeks pregnant. My second friend just told me that’s she’s 14 weeks pregnant. They both got pregnant their first try. I’m so happy for them, but it’s bringing back so many emotions and feelings of worthlessness that I never really dealt with the first time. And then add to it the feelings of guilt — guilt that I should be content with just my son, feelings of how dare I hope for something more when I have what some can’t.

Or maybe it’s just the hormone pills that are making me feel this way. Just needed to vent.