Born at 37 Weeks 6 Days


Baby was supposed to be due April 5th but on March 20th at 3PM my doctor swept my membranes to see if maybe it would help me go into labor... and BOY did it! Within 4 hours I was having contractions every 5 minutes. I called my labor and delivery and they said to wait till I get to 2-3 minutes apart unless I really wanted to be checked. So hubby and I decided to go in about 930PM. After they checked me out they said I hadn’t progressed any farther (I was a 2 for 3 weeks) but that I had high blood pressure (not very high though) and they would like to induce me that night. I said yes and we got switched over to our other room by 1030/11PM. They gave me a cup to pee in so not even 5 minutes into our new room my water breaks after I finish peeing. I was freaking out because it just kept coming out lol my contractions were about every 4/5 minutes but after my water broke it got INTENSE! They were ever 2/3 minutes for about 30/45 seconds and I was CRYING! They came in about 30 minutes later to give me my epidural. It was rough because my left side wouldn’t numb but FINALLY they got everything good and I felt SOOOO much better! They decided they wouldn’t induce me because at about 2 or 3 AM I was a 4 and was progressing fine on my own. Then I started to feel that pressure in my butt but couldn’t tell if it was just me having to poop. The doctor came in to check if I was dilated anymore and said oh we’re going to have this baby now! I was a 10 (she said plus 1 but I don’t know what that means) at 0521 AM my sweet baby boy was born! I only pushed for 10-15 minutes which was about 5 contraction cycles and it was ROUGH! The ring of fire is so real but as soon as his lil head plopped out I felt soooo much better! Everyone kept saying how they couldn’t believe my labor was so short for a first time mom! Baby was jaundice so we had to stay an extra day but all is well and he’s a healthy little peanut❤️