Getting over heartbreak that never happened

Hey ya'll...

So I've just recently gotten over (or at least, I'm trying to get over) a guy that i really, REALLY liked for a decent enough amount of time.

To keep a long story short, he sent me a lot of mixed signals as i tried to get to know him, and i did - he's a great guy - but he's also kind of awkward and shy, so he never realized that i was into him. He still doesn't know, if i'm being honest.

But even so, i'm not as oblivious as him, and i knew all along that he didn't feel the same about me... yet i refused to believe it.

Finally, though, i gave up on trying to convince myself a few days ago, and MAN it has been tough!! I see him only twice a week, but because of circumstances, it's unavoidable for me to have to keep on talking to him.

I want NOTHING MORE at this point to just get over him and get over myself, but it just seems like a moot point.

Please help!!