My birth experience šŸ‘¶šŸ¼ (long!)


I LOVED reading everyoneā€™s birth story when I was pregnant so I thought Iā€™d share mine too.

My husband and I had discussed kids for a few years and decided 3 months after marriage we would start trying for a baby. We conceived first time round and I got a faint line 5 days before my period, then a big fat positive the next day!

We had our ultrasounds and everything was perfect however... This extremely active baby boy was taking all my nutrients! I had nausea, fatigue, extreme headaches and then low sugar levels/almost passing out second trimester, exhaustion from rolling over in bed, dizziness and lastly HEARTBURN that I thought was going to kill me no matter what I tried.

Towards the end at 36 weeks I started getting really itchy to the point I kept my husband up at night. I was tested for cholestasis which came back negative. At 38+3 I was still extremely itchy and decided to be retested. At the hospital they hooked me up to do the non-stress test, had my BP and bloods done and collected a urine sample. My urine showed a trace of protein and leucocytes which may have been a UTI so I was given antibiotics. Everything else was fine and they sent me home to await my blood results.

The next day I was at my grandparents house and got the phone call to come in to speak with a doctor about the results and to bring my hospital bag just incase. I was 95% sure at that point cholestasis was confirmed and I would be induced. I called my husband to meet me at the house with my mom and felt sick all the way there! I got home, grabbed the hospital bag and went to the hospital with my mom, dad and husband. There, the doctor confirmed there was a trace of the cholestasis and agreed since I was 38 weeks to just induce me. THAT NIGHT. We went for something to eat then went back to the antenatal ward where my bed was ready for me in a room with 3 others. At 9.00pm they inserted the hormone into my high and tightly closed cervix (even after all the raspberry tea, walks, yoga ball bouncing and spicy food) which was so uncomfortable and it then had to stay there for 24h. After that, I started to get what felt like period pains at midnight. I couldnā€™t sleep as they got slightly stronger through the night. My husband returned at 9.00am the next day with snacks and more hospital items and stayed with me the whole day which I appreciated so much. He didnā€™t need to stay the whole entire day. My mom, dad and mother in law visited too and at around 3.00pm my ā€˜period painsā€™ had gradually become really painful. By dinner time I was begging for painkillers and a bath to soothe the pain. I couldnā€™t get in a position to help myself. I told the doctors and one checked me at the top of my bump and said I wasnā€™t having contractions it was just pains! At 9.00pm it was time to be rechecked and sure enough I was 2cm! They didnā€™t bother the second stage of induction with the gel and I was told they were prepping the labour ward for me. I vomited 3 times out of complete fear and the doctors were advising me to try and sleep now while I can as it could be a long night!

At 11.00pm we went to the labour ward to have my waters broken. There I was hooked up to monitors and once my waters were broken, the pain of the contractions was absolutely horrific. It came in waves and my husband helped with entonox gas and air. I forced him to call my mom to get here as soon as possible because the pain was no joke. I knew it wouldnā€™t be long. My mom arrived and my dad waited in the waiting room and by that point Iā€™m standing leaning on the bed with my waters still dripping out of me all over the floor which my husband was cleaning up! I told the doctor I was feeling pressure in my bum and we went back on the bed to check. I was only 4cm! I ended up staying on the bed on my left side because I couldnā€™t find the energy to stand back up and move around. After that I all of a sudden felt I had to push. I remembered reading stories on the <a href="">glow app</a> saying do not push until you are ready otherwise youā€™ll tear. But the pushing was happening on its own! Every contraction that happened I started to push and couldnā€™t stop no matter how hard I tried. My body took over completely! On the monitor I could see the contraction monitor number rising and braced myself for the peak of the contraction. Trying to breathe through it was also impossible. I had a big purple double ball thing between my legs to make me more comfortable and it was a godsend. The doctor came in and was checking me too and started talking with the other one saying we might need to do a caesarean because with every contraction, the babyā€™s heart rate was going right up and they didnā€™t know why so he was in distress. I had another monitor inserted in me to the babyā€™s head for more accurate readings. When rechecked I was at 10cm and ready to push for real and the doctor said I had to concentrate and push hard because we needed this baby out.

After 14 minutes of pushing his head was briefly out then his body followed. His cord was wrapped round his neck which is why he was in distress. His hand was up at his face coming out too which meant I needed stitches but everything was worth it. We did immediate skin to skin and I was shocked he didnā€™t have any hair due to the heartburn! My husband kept telling me how proud he was of me and thanked me for giving him his little boy. My mom had a tear in her eye and everything was perfect.

I didnā€™t expect serious contractions to start as soon as my waters were broken. Nobody can prepare you for the pain. Since I threw up all my painkillers I actually did it on gas and air only! And even though I asked for the epidural I already told the doctors I didnā€™t want it and Iā€™m glad they refused my in the moment decision and still went with my birth plan.

12 hours of early labour, 3.5 hours of active labour and 14 minutes of pushing later, my little boy arrived March 22nd 03.44am at 6lb7oz and heā€™s perfect šŸ’™šŸ’™