Help ladies

Okay so trying to make this short as possible. I had a miscarriage in January really early on. I’ve had a tragedy happen in the family, so ovulation time in March I wasn’t baby dancing as much as I had liked. I had sex the day before and I believe the day of ovulation. The first day of of my last period was around feb 24-25. I did a pregnancy test last week and negative. I have had some pink when I wipe the last two days and some light cramping today. I am due for aunt flor tomorrow so I thought it was just my period. I have a box of ovulation strips, so I decided to test it just cause I was bored really. Is it possible for an ovulation strip to show like this when pregnant. I am so excited but I can’t even believe it’s true until I hesr some experiences or someone confirms. The lines on the pregnancy tests are super light but these pictures are not edited. My calendar suggested that I ovulated on March 11. If I am pregnant, is it normal to be this light?? I really have no insight on this stuff, so I am reaching out to you all!!