She’s here!!!!!!


I had been getting contractions all day about 15-20 minutes apart, my boyfriend and I went to the mall so he could get a new Xbox as we were leaving I decided I wanted ice cream so we walked all the way to the opposite side of the mall and waited in a very long line for some ice cream while my contractions are now two minutes apart lol, after I got my ice cream we made a few stops and off to the hospital we went! By the time we got there I was 5cm and my fluid was at a 7 which meant all day I thought I was peeing my self turned out to just be my water 😅. I started to cry immediately out of fear that I really have to have a baby now, my epidural had to be adjusted since it only worked on one side and when it came time to push I felt as if my hips were breaking ugh. 6 hours of labor and 9 pushes later Luna Mae was born at 6:06am at 6lbs 5oz!