How bad am I hurting my supply



So every day I pump every two-2 and a half hours like clockwork but the past two nights I went 6 and 8 hours without pumping. I didn’t mean to I just slept through my alarm both times! Is it gonna hurt my supply if I still pump every two hours in the day and am hitting 8 pumping sessions a day?

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I also don’t wake up to pump. My baby is 5 and a half months and sleeps 9 to 10 hours at night. I pump before bed, sleep for 8 hours, then wake to pump usually before baby is awake. I pump 12 ounces when I first wake up and I’ve been going overnight without pumping for about 3 months.


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I never pumped at night and my son slept threw the night by 2 weeks old, I had an amazing supply and some times only pumped once a day and could get over 7oz each side in under 20 minutes I’d stop pumping to make sure I have enough milk to feed when my son was ready to eat again ... I fed think your fine it just depends on each person and what there supply is to begin with


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It depends on how old your baby is—once your supply regulates and the baby is sleeping through the night, you can try and drop the middle of the night pump with no adverse milk supply effects, in my experience. I was 6 months post partum when I finally dropped it, and haven’t seen much of a difference, maybe an ounce or two.