My wonderful (yes, wonderful) C-section experience


My turn to share my birth story.

I had a scheduled C-section on March 20th, which happened to be a very magical day - first day of Spring and full Super Moon. We had to be at the hospital at 8am - surgery scheduled for 10am. I woke up at 5am, on my own, with intention to go to the carwash, come back, vacuum and mop the floor, figured will have plenty of time to do it. Ended up only going to the carwash. Then showered, woke up my daughter, 13, who, of course hasn't packed, so she started getting her stuff together. I showered with whatever antibacterial- rubbing-alcohol-smelling-body wash they gave me at the hospital the day before, when I went for presurgical testing. Anyway, I got ready, my husband came home around 7am so he had to shower and get his stuff ready , and at this point I'm already yelling at everyone because no one but me is ready to go. Even though hospital is only 15min away, I know my family, so we ended up getting there 8:30 instead.

Got to pre-op, extremely thirsty already and they wouldn't even let me have ice chips at this point. Feeling less than fabulous because the hospital gown was extremely unflattering, but overall in a good mood. My mother in law showed up around 9am. So there we are waiting.. I was given in IV, had some more blood taken and was asked the same questions over and over again by different people, like really guys, do you not have all this in the system already as I sure filled out about 57 forms with this info the day before... Anyway still in a good mood, answering questions but getting slightly frustrated especially at the "how much do you weight?" Question..... A LOT, OK! A LOT!!!

Then some lady shows up, asked if I needed shaving, I said idk, I don't really have a visual, so check. She did and left, came back a few min later with a buzzer to take some hairs out. Couldn't tell what she was doing but it definitely felt the result would look somewhat like a Picasso's piece of work. Past 10am, the anestesioologist came to introduce himself. Very nice and smiley guy. Liked him instantly. Shortly after the surgeon came to introduce himself. Also liked him right away, especially his eyebrows. He checked the scar from my first C-section and said they are running behind and have another surgery before that to be patient. Was fine by me, ii wasn't feeling thirsty at this point anymore so didn't really mind. They had to unhook the IV because I wanted to go to the bathroom, my husband with me. In the bathroom there was this big mirror so I told him, this weird lady shaved me somewhat, I think we should totally check out the work of art. Lifted my gown, and oh boy, did it look weird.... I started laughing so hard, couldn't stop. Peed, while still laughing, left the bathroom with my husband - laughing. There were some nurses in the hallway looking and saying you seem to be having a lot of fun. I just laughed and laughed. My husband asked what they gave me, but they really didn't give me any drugs, it was just all funny now. Everytime someone would come to my area of pre-op I would laugh. Finally got rolled into the operating room. Got epidural and spinal something, which I didn't feel much, because the anestesioologist was that great. They layed me down and there was the surgeon with his eyebrows - very thick but well groomed, so I complimented him on his eyebrows and the laughter came back. So while waiting for anestesia to kick in I was laughing like a maniac. At everything. Asked a few times when my husband is going to be in and laughing and laughing. Surgeon told me I would feel them touch me and would feel pressure. Answered some basic questions, one of them being how much I weight and why am I there today.. finally my husband was let arms we're shaking because I was so cold, and I couldn't control it, wasn't aware much what doctors were doing, was talking to my husband. Then I felt 2 pairs of hands pushing hard from the top of my stomach down. It was a lot of pressure. Next thing I know we hear the most precious sound - our baby girl crying. Screaming on top of her lungs actually. I'm sure she didn't appreciate much being disturbed this early on.

Dad didn't get to cut the cord - anestesioologist said - absolutely not! as we told him dad doesn't deal well with blood, before hand. And then they gave him the baby. And I got to see her precious face. She was so tiny and so beautiful. Born at 39 weeks 5lbs12oz, at 12:43 pm on March 20th, my spring baby. Don't have a picture from the operating room.

Next thing -dad and baby were out and I was left behind with my doctors so they can close me up. I was so anxious to be out of there so I can see my baby.

When I was rolled out to post-op, everyone was there. I got to hold my princess. Talked on Skype with my older daughter's godmother, ws a little wiped out but nothing drastic really. Was feeling no pain and couldn't feel my legs for about 2 hours after.

We were put in a private room so my older daughter and mom in law and husband plus new baby were all there. Nurses coming and going checking on both me and baby.

Around 5 pm still no pain, they told me anestesia will completely wear off 24h after.

At this point I wanted to know when I could have solid food and when I could get out of bed - had to wait till morning for both.

Didn't fall asleep until late that night. Was up for about 21hours at that point.

Pain - about 2 on the 1-10 pain scale. They offered me Motrin which I took.

Next morning finally free to get up, after I ate all they brought for breakfast, my husband helped me to the bathroom and back. Pain - still rated as 2.

They took the iV off. I got to attempt to breastfeed the baby (now that was painful)

Got to go for a walk in the hallway.

Showered in the afternoon. Still pain at 2. Took more Motrin (this was all they gave me for pain - Motrin 600mg and it was sufficient)

Was in the hospital till March 23rd, even though they said if I wanted to go home we could on the 22nd as I was doing so great.

The staff was amazing.

My family was amazing.

Our new baby - amazing

The whole experience, not what I expected. Completely different from my first C-section. Almost painless. I think it was a lot to do with me laughing so much before surgery, as I have no other explanation.

And this is Her:

Shea Flower Marie

I'm absolutely in love with her!