Induced labor @ 38 weeks

Nicole • Married to my soulmate. In love with our perfect daughter Addison (03/20/19) 💖

On 03/18 I went to my OB for typical check in appointment. I was 37 wk 5 days. I got my blood pressure checked and it was around 150/100 so my doctor was concerned; I’ve always had normal readings. She sent me to get labs done immediately.

The next day I get a call around noon that my lab results showed some kind of abnormality with liver enzymes. My doctor was very concerned this was early signs of pre eclampsia so she directed me to go to labor and delivery ASAP. I didn’t have any other pre eclampsia symptoms- not even protein in urine. I guess the liver enzyme results put me in the severe pre eclampsia category so the decision was made to induce ASAP.

I got admitted and they let me take a bath and eat a good dinner before the induction process began. By 6 or 7pm I started the initial meditation to induce. Not picotin yet, I didn’t get that until 3cm dilated.

I got labs done again late at night and they mentioned my platelet count going down. Due to the level it dropped to they said if I wanted epidural I needed to get it now. It was around 1am I got the epidural. The needle in my back didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would. Unfortunately my right side was getting super numb and my left side barely at all so that was annoying. The anesthesiologist tried to fix it twice but still my right leg was dead weight and I could pretty much feel normal on my left side.

Now playing the waiting game to get to 10 cm. I got there at 2pm on 03/20- it was time to push!! By the way this was my first so I started getting slightly panicked that this time was really here haha.

I had my husband hold my left leg and the nurse hold my dead ass right leg haha. She was an amazing coach for my first birth. I delivered my gorgeous baby girl Addison Noelle at 3:21pm. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and measured 21 inches long. We are sooo in love with her 💓