Breastmilk supply dwindling

I returned to work when my Lo was 8 weeks old. I was pumping at work for awhile but my baby reverse cycled and breastfed most of the night with a bottle or 2 while I was gone. Now she’s 9 months old and eating solids 3 times a day, plus 1 snack. She gets 2-3 bottles a day while I’m at work. I’ll breastfeed at home and on the weekends. Unfortunately my stash of breastmilk is pretty much gone, as I haven’t been pumping enough to keep up. It takes me 2 days to get one bottle.. my husband refuses to do formula. Idk what to do...I’m trying to pump as often as possible, but I’ll only get an oz or 2. I’ve tried the haakaa, I didn’t have much success with it. Idk what to do.....