Potty training?


My son is obsessed with the toilet. He runs to the toilet anytime we say "Be right back I have to use the potty." And he flushes it non stop.

Anywho, the constant flushing of our toilet isn't so great for the toilet or the water bill, but I didn't want to scold him for being interested in the potty. So I bought him a realistic mini potty that flushes.

Well he LOVES IT! He would run over to it sign "More" and pull at his diaper. So I stuck him on it and he peed! This is pretty inconsistent. He doesn't seem to mind going in his diaper but he was excited to use the potty.

He now runs away when we take off his diaper and he poops as soon as the diaper is off. Which isn't really fun. But if I put him on the toilet he yells because he doesn't want to poop on the toilet l. I don't stress it and just take him off. Any advice, ideas, insight or suggestions?

Maybe he isn't ready?

Maybe he is ready and I'm not helping him the right way?

Maybe he is ready to pee in the potty just not poop?

Any and all advice would be extra welcomed!

It is this potty but white.