Confirmed what I was dreading💔


Last night I had some brown spotting which scared me a little bit I decided to try not to worry so I went to bed. At 7 am I woke up with bad cramping, went to the bathroom and passed thick stringy blood with clots. I called the clinic right away and they got me in at 1:20. Doctor did bloodwork and an ultrasound and ruled it a miscarriage. It had implanted in the left cause the ultrasound showed it inflamed there which I could feel slight pain when she put the wand there. 2 years of trying we were about 5.5 weeks (which I know is early but a loss is a loss) and we planned to go to our home towns tomorrow to tell our parents💔 we are absolutely heart broken and don’t even really know what to do. Seeing my husband tear up in the exam room really tore at me.. to top it off every pregnant woman in our town was at the hospital today. I am O- blood type so they gave me the rhogam shot for the next pregnancy. Giving it to God and praying for our rainbow baby now💕🌈