Switching over.

🌻🌺Trinkster🌺🌻 • Mamma to my little man 10/02/18 and little girl 11/29/19

I am now switching my LO over to formula. He nurses maybe once or twice a day, sometimes during the night. My supply is almost gone, but I am wondering how much we should be giving him.

When he gets a bottle of BM, it's a 3 or 3.5oz bottle.

Right now we are doing 2oz BM mixed with 2oz formula until we use the rest of my freezer stash.

When he has a bottle of just formula, he eats about 4oz, but from what I have read, babies his age eat a 6oz bottle.

When all the BM is gone, should we just start making him 6oz bottles, or see how he keeps doing with 4oz?

Thank you!