Feedback on current chart!


Hi ladies, I would like to get a little feedback on what y’all think about my chart. My luteal phase has been averaging 14-15 days. My glow, ovia, and Ava apps all have different period predictions; glow is Saturday (2 days away), Ovia is Monday (4 days away), and I’m not really counting Ava’s Bc ovulation was wrong with the app due to the clomid. This is my second month with Ava so I think it’s still trying to get accustomed to me, it’s also my second round of clomid - which isn’t helping Ava’s prediction of my period Bc I can’t plug in that info.

I thought I was going strong but am a little down with how my temperature has been trending down for the last two reads. I was a little crampy 2 nights ago- 10 dpo; which usually isn’t a thing until the day of my period. My nipples (not boobs) have been very sensitive the past few days- also not a symptom I get until my period is at most a day away & only lasts until the first day of my cycle but that’s about all I’ve noticed.

If you all could give me some insight, previous mom and those ttc with comparisons of your charts- that would be great!