So confused.... what does he want?

**I didn’t know what topic to put this under, sorry 😭**

So... me and my boyfriend have had numerous baby talks... I’ve told him I want another (we have a blended family of 5 kids already) within the next 2 years. When we first got together the only “birth control” method we have ever used was pulling out. We moved in together a little over a month ago, and as soon as we did, he just stopped pulling out. It’s actually “slipped” out a few times right before, ya know, and he has put it back in JUST for that. I’ve asked him why, he just plays it off as he knows I don’t want him to pull out.

I’ve asked him if he wants another baby and his response is always “if it happens, it happens, I’m always down for babies”... I’m just unsure of what he really wants... we squeaked by last month not getting pregnant, but now I feel like I’m ready for it, but it’s not something I want to PLAN or especially plan alone. After not conceiving last month when we had sex almost every day during my fertile window, I’m so paranoid I’m not fertile anymore (I’m 28 with 2 kids myself, he’s 29 with 3 kids). I want to order OPK to see if and when I’m ovulating, if at all, but I don’t want him to see them and get freaked out.

I’m really bad with words and I don’t want to scare him, but I also don’t want to have a baby with someone who doesn’t want one.

What should I do? I know I need to talk to him, but I just don’t know what to say. I’m awful with words.