Pregnant and OPK


After suffering a miscarriage at the beginning of February, I decided to use an OPK test after I stopped bleeding to figure out where I was in my cycle as I had bled for 20 days.

The very first day after I stopped the OPK was positive, I was curious if this was left over hormone from the pregnancy or if I had had a miscarriage and then straight into my next period. I'm still unsure.

However, I continued to track my fertility over the next few weeks and watched the OPK get pitcher and darker again. Then glow told me I should start my period (going off previous logged data) however I knew that it wouldn't probably happen yet as it takes a little while to get back into a proper cycle.

When I was 3 days late according to glow I decided to take a pregnancy test, just because and also because I had taken them to make sure my hormones dropped fully and got negatives (docs also confirmed with blood test that I was back at normal hCG levels)

So when the positive appeared, I was in complete shock. Honestly never imagined I would get one this soon....I've taken more pregnancy tests since about 19th march and the lines have gotten darker, including digital ones showing pregnant.

One reason I did the OPK was because I was interested in what they look like when you are pregnant. I never got the chance in Feb so I did one today and here is the result....

I know OPK tests pick up hCG as the hormone structure is so similar but I found it really interesting how they actually appear.

As you can see, the test line is so dark and control faint and this was immediate after doing the test.

Just thought I'd share what hCG hormones do on the OPK tests 😊