No period, negative test.


I’m so frustrated!

Let’s start with a little time line. I have always had an irregular period unless I was on birth control. For the past 3+ years I have been on the pill. My husband and I decided to try for one of our own (I have two girls, normal pregnancies, no complications) approximately 01/03/2019 I stopped taking bcp. I had only taken two in the new pack. To help keep my periods going, I started taking myo-inositol on 02/14/2019. It started my period instantly. Fast forward to present, I am still taking the inositol and 10 days late. I have taken at least 10 pregnancy tests and they have all been negative. I’ve had swollen breasts and sensitive nipples, cramping and cravings. I just want to know if I’m pregnant or not!! 😭😭😭