Omg lmao

Omg lmao. Heres my emotional rollercoaster od a birth story y'all!!!

So bf and I came to the er (1/2 hr away from home) at 1130 last night bc the contractions were ridiculous haha. They monitored me for about an hr and a half and ended up sending me home at 2 am bc i wasn't dilated enough. I was at a 2. Get Allllll The way home, contractions were a LOT stronger. Tried to rest bc i was told they were just braxton hicks and to drink water.. For a good 3 hours.. Nothing helped. So i called the hospital back and was told to breathe thru them and that if i wasn't able to wait till my induction on Sunday that i needed to call the clinic once it opened at 8 am. Bc ya know. I totally wanted to have this intense pain for 3 more days..

Fast forward maybe an hour, I'm in pain and feeling the need to push really bad. So i told the bf we needed to go back. Got in the car and then told him i couldn't make it to our designated hospital and to just drive me to the er here in town. He did. After screaming at me the entire fucking way for not listening to him blah blah blah.

got to the er and was 10 cm and fully effaced.. This hospital doesnt deliver babies mind you, so they all panicked bc they literally had ZERO birthing stuff, all the while im in pain bc i couldn't get the epidural like i wanted and was being told NOT to push. So they called an ambulance to drive me from there to the other hospital, sent bf on his way to meet me there, had to wait for ambulance which came from a DIFFERENT hospital that was 45 min away from where i was at, THEN had to wait for another dr to tag along on the ride bc they needed a Dr in case i delivered in the ambulance. (which had way more stuff for a delivery than the actual hospital) and then was a 30 min ride with speeding and sirens and 4 Drs tagging along lol. they wanted me to give birth there bc my water had just broken and contractions were so close together and i flat out looked at them between contractions and told them no way were going to my designated hospital bc thats where the boyfriend and everyone was and had been waiting for over an hour and a half not knowing why i wasn't there yet.

Finally got here at 9:30 this morning, finally got the okay to push, pushed 3 times and she was out at 9:45 this morning :)

She is so freaking perfect and im super excited to share her insane birth story to her when shes older 😂😂